VisualARQ toolbars work the same way as Rhino toolbars:
- You can drag them to any part of the screen or dock them to the edge of the screen.
- You can customize them by adding buttons to them or removing buttons from them.
- Some buttons have a second command that you can open with a right-click, running a different option related to the same command.
- Hover the mouse over a button to display a tooltip with the name of the commands that can be selected with a right or left-click.
- Some buttons (shown with a small triangle on the lower right corner) are linked to other toolbars with drop-down buttons.
Hold down the left mouse button on the icon to display the toolbar linked to a button.
Tooltips: hover the mouse over an icon to see the command it runs with the left and right click.
Wall icon tooltip (left or right-click)
A) VisualARQ Objects
Commands to create and edit architectural objects
- Wall and Wall Styles Manager
- Curtain Wall and Curtain Wall Style Manager
- Beam and Beam Styles Manager
- Column and Column Styles Manager
- Door and Door Styles Manager
- Window and Window Styles Manager
- Opening and Opening Styles Manager
- Stair and Stair Styles Manager
- Railing and Railing Styles Manager
- Slab and Slab Styles Manager
- Roof and Roof Styles Manager
- Furniture and Furniture Styles Manager
- Element and Element Styles Manager
A1) VisualARQ Walls:
Buttons to create and edit walls
- Wall and Wall Styles Manager
- From Curves and Set Path
- Reverse
- Wall: Extend and Unextend
- From Solid and Set Custom Solid
A2) VisualARQ Curtain walls:
Buttons to create curtain walls
- Curtain wall and Curtain wall Styles Manager
- Curtain wall from Curves
- Curtain wall from Surfaces
- Curtain wall: Extend and Unextend
A3) VisualARQ Beams:
Buttons to create beams
A4) VisualARQ Columns:
Buttons to create columns
A5) VisualARQ Stairs:
Buttons to create and edit stairs
A6) VisualARQ Railings:
Buttons to create railings
A7) VisualARQ Slabs:
Buttons to edit slabs
- Slab and Slab Styles Manager
- Slab from Curves
- Slab from surface
- Add Boundary
- Subtract Boundary
- Subtract stair clearance boundary
A8) VisualARQ Roofs:
Buttons to edit roofs
B) VisualARQ Edit Tools
Buttons for edit tools
B) VisualARQ Documentation Tools
Buttons for documentation tools
- Annotation and Annotation Style Manager
- Space and Space Styles Manager
- Tag and Tag Style Manager
- Section and Section Style Manager
- Guide and Guide Style Manager
- Opening Elevations and Opening Elevations Style Manager
- Create Plan View and Plan View Styles Manager
- Create Section View and Section View Styles Manager
- Level Manager
- Section Manager
- Table Report Panel and Table Styles Manager
B1) VisualARQ Spaces:
Buttons to edit spaces
B2) VisualARQ Guides:
Buttons to edit guides
C) VisualARQ Tools
Other tools buttons
C1) Selection commands:
Buttons to select VisualARQ objects
- Select All objects
- Select walls
- Select Curtain walls
- Select Beams
- Select Columns
- Select Doors
- Select Windows
- Select Stairs
- Select Railings
- Select Slabs
- Select Roofs
- Select Furniture
- Select Elements
- Select Spaces
- Select Tables
- Select Tags
- Select Opening elevations
- Select Sections
- Select Plan views
- Select Section views
- Select Annotations
- Select Guides
- Select Same Type
- Select Same Style
Open VisualARQ toolbars
If toolbars are not automatically displayed after installing VisualARQ, they have been closed, or don't appear on the screen, they can be loaded manually by using the same method used to load Rhino Toolbars:
Rhino 7:
- Type Toolbar on the command line (or go to Rhino Menu Tools > Toolbar Layout...)
- Select VisualARQ3 from the list of toolbar files available.
- Select the VisualARQ toolbars to load (by default we recommend selecting just the VisualARQ (4tabs) toolbar group.
Rhino 8:
- Type Toolbar on the command line (or go to Rhino Menu Window > Toolbars...)
- Select VisualARQ3 from the list of toolbar and toolbar groups.
- Select the VisualARQ toolbars to load (by default we recommend selecting just the Group: VisualARQ (4tabs) toolbar group.
Note:If the VisualARQ toolbar is not displayed in the list of toolbars and toolbar groups, in this toolbar layout dialog go to File > Open and search for the visualarq.rui file in one of these directories:
- Rhino 7: (C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI)
- Rhino 8:: (C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\UI)