VisualARQ Options (in Rhino Options dialog box)

To open the Rhino Options dialog box, go to the Tools menu and choose Options....
The Rhino Options dialog box will appear and will show a tree on the left column with all the available settings for Document Properties and Rhino Options.

Each branch displays a section with VisualARQ available settings:

Document Properties

These settings only apply to the current document.

  • General:
    • Overhead display attributes: attributes for objects when they are displayed above the cut plane within a level, when they have the Plan visibility set to Projection with Overhead, in Display settings.

      Overhead display attributes
      Overhead display attributes, in VisualARQ Document Properties

  • Layers: VisualARQ allows you to set the default layer for each object type when you insert them:

    Layer settings
    Layer settings, in VisualARQ Document Properties

Rhino Options

These settings will preserve every time you open Rhino:

  • General:
    • Language: sets the language to Same as Rhino or any other one available for VisualARQ.
    • Display: option to show the level marks in elevation views.
    • Messages: option to show VisualARQ messages using a different color.
    • Hidden windows: option to show or hide the Welcome window when VisualARQ loads.
  • Scale Icon: options to edit the scale icon widget that appears at the bottom right corner of viewports with parallel projection views.
  • Updates: option to check if you are using the last version update.

Scale Icon, in VisualARQ Options
Scale Icon, in VisualARQ Options