Add Interferences

Where can I find this command?
Add Interferences left click
Toolbar: Edit toolbar:
VisualARQ Edit Toolbar

Option to calculate the intersection between a VisualARQ object and another object, so the second one subtracts the volume in common with the first one.

When you run the vaAddInterferences command, follow the steps from the command line. Press the right mouse button or ENTER to accept and go to the next step.


  1. Select the VisualARQ objects where you wish to add one or more interferences.
  2. Select the objects to interfere with. These objects can be closed extrusions, polysurfaces, or VisualARQ objects. They must intersect with one or more points on the VisualARQ object where they will be added.

The objects added as interference cut the volume of the first object selected, but they are not linked to it.

The VisualARQ Object features are not affected by this operation, so you can edit them parametrically.