Table Export

Export Table left click
Table > Export table

Tables can be exported to Excel (.xls) and in .csv format, from the table report panel, or from the 2D table inserted in the model.


  1. Select the table you wish to export. (This step is not required when exporting the table from the Table report panel, or from the context menu.)
  2. Select the export options in the Format options dialog:
    • Units: choose whether to show or not different unit types to the exported file.
    • Decimal separator: Comma or Dot
  3. Select the folder and file format you wish to save your table as: .XLS or .CSV.
Format options dialog
Table Export Format Options dialog

A new file is created in your selected destination folder. This file doesn't update automatically when applying changes to the Rhino-VisualARQ table. To have the latest updated version, just repeat the steps above and overwrite the former file.

Schedule Table exported to Excel
Schedule table exported to Excel